Monday, January 30, 2012


Behind this house that my folks built were two large sheds made out of "ammunition boxes" which my dad probably bought at the NAVAJO ORDINANCE DEPORT where he worked.

In this picture below you can see wood that hadn't been hauled to the dump yet. There was also a large radio that I loved to try to fix!!!!

My folks allowed me to roam free in the area (up to 7-8 miles) and I often looked just like this.  It seemed safer back then; people trusted people more. I did get in many fistfights once the older kids knew dad had taught me to box and I would start swinging in a split second! There were things I had to watch out for though: bulls and cows roamed free (open range), scorpions, tarantulas, pronghorn antelope, snakes, bobcats and whiteouts in the winter! 

I can remember my dad taking this picture...I was 7 and this was one of my Lake Mary buddies.

While I am thinking of those days, get this: In the summers I had to remove my cowboy boots and pants inside the back porch because my mother was afraid of what I might have in my pockets! (pollywogs, water snakes, horny toads, etc.)

1 comment:

Afairbanks said...

While the pic isn't the best quality, I think McKay looks exactly like this picture of you!!
(what do you think Katie?)

I so very much wish we could allow our own kids to play this way. Unfortunately, nowadays you can't even trust that they will be safe right outside your front door. . .